Free eBook: The Social Entrepreneur’s Playbook


The Social Entrepreneur’s Playbook by Ian MacMillan and James Thompson

by Tracy Simon

SE_EbookCover_Border_175_wideDoes your social enterprise start-up have what it takes to make a difference and become self-sufficient? Ian MacMillan, the Wharton School’s Dhirubhai Ambani Professor of Entrepreneurial Management and director of the Sol C. Snider Entrepreneurship Center, and Dr. James Thompson, co-founder and director of the Wharton Social Enterprise Program, discuss in The Social Entrepreneur’s Playbook how social entrepreneurs do not face greater risk than traditional entrepreneurs in launching a social enterprise; they face greater uncertainty. The book serves as a guide for aspiring social entrepreneurs on how to decrease uncertainty and increase the likelihood of a successful social enterprise launch.

The free Ebook itself is a social enterprise. The authors are distributing the first phase as a way to invite readers to help shape the Fall 2013 expanded edition that will cover their three phases of testing, launching, and scaling a social enterprise.

To download the ebook, visit Once finished reading, the authors encourage feedback via becoming a Social Entrepreneur’s Playbook Advisory Group member.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]